Hard Skin Elbows / Knees
All skin types can be affected by hard skin on the elbows and knees. In particular patients with skin of colour often suffer with this because the skin around these areas are dry, have been hardened and thickened and darker over time. Dr Prasad is skilled at treated such area with highly effective creams and other treatments.
Treatments For Hard Skin Elbows / Knees
Our Happy Clients
Hard Skin Elbows / Knees Faq
We all tend to have harder skin around the elbows and knees. Some individuals have thicker patches. This is usually to the upper layers of skin becoming thicker.
Sometimes hard skin is associated with uneven skin tone where it may appear darker than your surrounding skin tone. Some people are bothered by this and we can help even out your skin tone with medical grade skin care which is very effective.
With 2 weeks or consistent usage you will start to see results and achieve further results in 4-6 weeks.